The origin of this idea is the connection from my marketing studies, own experiences in special operations of the fire department and a video of a crying person putting on polarizing glasses for color blind people.
The origin of this idea is the connection from my marketing studies, own experiences in special operations of the fire department and a video of a crying person putting on polarizing glasses for color blind people.
All this together gives the origin of the RUBI Glass. A pair of glasses that gives emergency services and the respective accident participants the possibility to deal with very unpleasant experiences in a preventive manner.
The basic idea was whether it would be possible to apply a coating in such a way that only the color of the blood would appear differently and we would continue to see all other colors normally. Why is the first question here. But emergency personnel from all areas, whether voluntary fire department, technical relief organizations, German Federal Armed Forces, DB Notfallmanagend, first responders, etc. all have a probability to be confronted with situations in which you get to see things that in the long term can greatly affect their own lives, that of their families and friends. We are talking about serious traffic accidents, train accidents, suicides, terrorist attacks and other situations in which people are so unimaginably injured, deformed or dismembered and the helpers, mostly volunteers, can not get rid of these images.
This inconceivable burden takes everyone differently. However, it is a larger proportion of the situations, such as the ICE accident in Eschede, the attack on the Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin. What the helpers and comrades see there is literally burned into the memory. The result is sleepless nights, increased irritability, tension and fear. In summary, a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops. This can go so far that even seasoned men/women lose their jobs, leave their families and end up in another life.
But how does a coating help here, what does marketing have to do with it? From my studies I still know that the color red has a very special influence on our brain. Not only that already 10,000 years ago, the red blood of animals and humans pointed out dangers to us. But also red plants always indicated to be poisonous. That we automatically became more attentive and our brain runs at full speed to remind us of such dangers for the future. Of course, big companies and their brandings have made use of this knowledge. Let’s think of Coca&Cola, who even made Santa Claus red (originally he was blue). Pizza Hut, Ferrari, Nintendo, Kelloggs, etc.. We all know that the color red has a great influence on our memory and that you like to influence it. Of course we have this also in the positive sense. STOP signs, red traffic lights, right of way signs, ambulance, fire department, etc.. But here it is about increasing our attention automatically.
If we now summarize this, we come up with the idea of coating a pair of glasses in such a way that only the color red is displayed as black, but everything else in normal colors. We trick our brain directly. Sure it doesn’t change the situation, or the basic image, but we influence the memory location of those images. Right here is the crucial point, there is nothing that protects us preventively from a possible PTSD.
Until now!
Specially coated lenses that reflect the color spectrum of blood and thus represent it as black. Other colors such as yellow from warning signs, but are still represented original and thus offer full operational capability.
Especially in operations involving collection along the rail, gives us the opportunity to perceive dismembered body parts differently and still be attentive to important electricity warning signs.
Protect accident victims from seeing family, or friends like this.
Many first responders cannot and do not want to see blood because they are afraid of the consequences from the start. For these target groups, a RUBI jar could be packed in the first aid kit.
Increases generally in such situations the vigilance and attention. Especially to ensure the protection of his comrades, or to increase.
The goal is to give everyone the choice to use a RUBI, or at least have one with them. It is a much too forgotten topic how the firefighters feel after such operations, not to mention the families who are in the background. In Germany alone, we have 1,000,000 firefighters. One in 10 has dealt with documented PTSD during their time in the fire department. If my invention/idea would help only 1% of them, that’s still 1000 people and families I could help with it. And here we are still only talking about the voluntary fire department in Germany.
Specially coated lenses that reflect the color spectrum of blood and thus represent it as black. Other colors such as yellow from warning signs, but are still represented original and thus offer full operational capability.
Especially in operations involving collection along the rail, gives us the opportunity to perceive dismembered body parts differently and still be attentive to important electricity warning signs.
Protect accident victims from seeing family, or friends like this.
Many first responders cannot and do not want to see blood because they are afraid of the consequences from the start. For these target groups, a RUBI jar could be packed in the first aid kit.
Increases generally in such situations the vigilance and attention. Especially to ensure the protection of his comrades, or to increase.
The goal is to give everyone the choice to use a RUBI, or at least have one with them. It is a much too forgotten topic how the firefighters feel after such operations, not to mention the families who are in the background. In Germany alone, we have 1,000,000 firefighters. One in 10 has dealt with documented PTSD during their time in the fire department. If my invention/idea would help only 1% of them, that’s still 1000 people and families I could help with it. And here we are still only talking about the voluntary fire department in Germany.